Enjoy this second of two 2013 radio conversations with Samuel Chiang, Executive Director of the International Orality Network (www.orality.net). He has an invitation for us (if you read this in time) to attend any or all days of ION’s 2013 Annual Conference in St. Louis, MO (Sept 16 – 19, and to other ION Annual Conferences occurring until Jesus Christ returns).
From www.orality.net :
Theme: Seven Disciplines of Orality
Orality Purpose: There are four billion oral learners in the world… experience how to communicate the message of Christ to people in ways that make sense
There are 4.35 billion people in our world who are oral learners. They are found in many cultural groups in the villages and in global cities around the world. We recognize that 60% of the world’s population can’t, won’t, or don’t hear the Gospel when we share it simply because it’s often coming to them through literate means they don’t understand and to which they do not relate. – See more at: http://www.orality.net/declaration#sthash.s3ZoQWwD.dpuf
Samuel Chiang, Executive Director [successor to ION Founder and Director, the late Dr. Avery Willis, Jr] was born in Taiwan, grew up and worked in Canada (Ernst & Young), and graduated from Dallas Seminary where he also served on staff. He served with the church in China and has written extensively on China. He has also authored book chapters in diverse genres including innovation, orality, and persecution. Formerly the Chief Operating Officer of TWR [Trans World Radio – www.twr.org], currently he is the Senior Associate- Orality for Lausanne, where he also serves on the Strategy Working Group. He and his wife, Robbi, live in Hong Kong.