Scott Cuidon (“kwee’ don” – a native of north St. Louis, Missouri County) and wife Jayne serve through CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) in Zagreb, Croatia, helping hurting pastors, missionaries and other Christian workers serving primarily in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Scott and Jayne have been ministering in this manner since 1994.
From their brochure: “… Each year at least 5,000 missionaries leave the field unnecessarily because of excessive stress involving personal, family, social, and ministry-related problems. Those remaining on the field face life stressors at least 2-3 times those experienced by individuals at home in the United States.”
From their website ( — “zentrum” is German for “center):
“Barnabas Zentrum is specially designed to strengthen the lives of Christian workers who are serving in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. It serves as an interdenominational personal and marital retreat center for pastors, missionaries and others in church and para church staff positions. …
“The BZ team also provides counseling, consultation and training on the field to teams and team leaders dealing with crisis, trauma, stress, burnout, and relational issues. We are able to assess the needs of the team and provide an individually tailored program to help the team and leader heal and improve the work environment. Staff will meet with the team collectively and with individuals throughout the session…
“We provide seminars on the following:
•Improving communication
•Conflict management and team building
•Leadership development
•Functioning on a multi-cultural team
•Anger and forgiveness
•Stress and burnout
•Perceptions and expectations
•Crisis and trauma
“We also provide debriefing and career counseling for workers in transition or those who are experiencing trauma and crisis; additionally, we are available to counsel with care-givers or member care personnel following a crisis intervention. Dr. Carl Krause is available for career testing.”
How to contact Scott and Jayne Cuidon is found on their website —