Goldia and Lawrence Coldon continue seeking to find their beloved daughter, Phoenix, missing since December, 2011. As of this 2013 writing, the Coldon parents recently have appeared on Channels 2 ( and Channel 5 ( in St. Louis; and on CNN with Anderson Cooper. The Coldon, openly trusting God for His help, plead with anyone having any information to please call them directly at (314) 653-6606.
From John Walsh of “America’s Most Wanted” website at
Police say 23-year-old Phoenix Coldon was last seen on December 18, 2011, in her family's St. Louis driveway. By 3 p.m. that afternoon, Phoenix disappeared. Her vehicle was found less than 20 miles away from her home, but cops say the vehicle hasn't brought them any closer to finding Phoenix, and they need your help in bringing her home safely.
Hear their love and concern for Phoenix in this 10-12 minute radio conversation.