Congressman Todd Akin, a man of Integrity, a man of principle, and supporter of all human life … is a 25-year personal friend. Each of the approximately 40 times I have had him as my radio guest, it has been my honor. Had he evidenced a serious character or moral failure, I could have not been free to have his the next time.
But I, again, was delighted to have him as my guest, again, this week (as I write).
He is a gracious gentleman of character … of whom I have never seen any notable flaws in the whole time.
Nomination by the people of Missouri as the 2012 Republican candidate for the United States Senate.
For an impressive list of 120 Christian leaders, mostly from Missouri — six of them former Presidents of the 1,900+ member churches of the Missouri Baptist Convention — who support Todd Akin, see
Weeks after he apologized for a 30-second misspeak, “news” people will often introduce Congressman Akin with the comment referencing the comment, almost as if he had never apologized. The obsessively spotlight a few words – apologized-for words weeks earlier – creating a negative in the name of “news.”
In balance, what reporters could share in introducing his opponent, something like:
“Senator Claire McCaskill approves any mother destroying the life of her unborn child for any reason, up through the ninth month, and would force all taxpayers to pay for it through “Obamacare,” for which she cast the deciding vote!”
(We do well to take seriously the words of God as found in Jeremiah 1:5: “The words of the Lord came to me, saying\, ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’” Several times God Himself used the pronoun of personhood – “you” – in referring to Jeremiah when he was in his mother’s womb.)
But an honest and balancing truthful comment seems never to be included.
Congressman Todd Akin is a good and righteous man … who wants to see every child … born and unborn … to enjoy his and her Constitutional protection of “…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
This is just one of many principles upon which the Congressman stands … but it is a major one.