Mat Staver, founder and Director of “Liberty Counsel” ( & Dean of Liberty Law School, discusses the importance of believers registering to vote … and then voting.
“Registering to vote is not political. Many churches are registering people to vote in their church services.”
Voting registration deadline for the November 2012 Presidential election is Monday, October 8th!”
Are you, all your friends and your fellow church members registered to vote? In this radio discussion, hear Mat Staver – a law school Dean who has practiced before the U.S. Supreme Court – provide accurate guidelines on voter registration in churches and as well as insights on a fuller range of freedoms of which churches are not always aware.
Mat urges us to disregard misleading letters and threats that attempt to intimidate us out of full use of our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.
Many helps on these and related matters are available at … as well as in this brief radio explanation with Mat Staver.
From “’Revival preceded the American Revolution,’ said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. ‘America was birthed in a prayer meeting led by our Founding Fathers. — After dissention arose among the Revolutionary leaders following the Revolutionary War about the proper form of government and all hope seemed lost, Benjamin Franklin arose and said, ‘Have we now forgotten that powerful friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer need His assistance?’ The Founding Fathers convened a three-day prayer meeting, returned to the business of the Constitution, and America was born….”