Chairman Brian Bredensteiner of the Annual Businessmen’s Prayer Breakfast of St. Charles, MO (western edge of Greater St. Louis) shares his moving personal story and speaks of the Tue, Sept 11, 2012 event he chairs. This year the leadership will remember their 9/11/2001 Breakfast that actually occurred as the Twin Towers in NYC were falling. Brian reports the return of the 2001 speaker, Ted Sprague, then President of the Atlanta (GA) Visitors and Convention Bureau. Ted has since been called to begin a great Christian ministry, Witness Breakthrough (, “…witnessing compelled by love, not duty.” 100 churches have already benefitted from Witness Breakthrough.
Hundreds attend this impacting breakfast each year. The ongoing St. Charles Ministry to Men focus – which also includes many local Bible “discussion” groups each week: … connecting men in Ministry. See