Attorney Bill High is the CEO of the National Christian Foundation Heartland. In his visit to St. Louis … and in his vision for St. Louis … he says …
" ….. I can easily surmise that if the people of God increased their giving by 1-2% (from 2.5% currently) that giving in St. Louis would easily grow by $200 million annually…"
This particular visit to St. Louis, with Henry and Richard Blackaby of “Experiencing God” is/was April 24, 2012 (see, but his Kingdom-advancing “igniting generosity” is ongoing.
About National Christian Foundation, from their website:
"National Christian Foundation (NCF) is the largest Christian grant-making foundation in the world. Our innovative, tax-smart solutions help you simplify your giving, multiply your impact, and glorify God. Since 1982, we have received over $4 billion in contributions and made over $3 billion in grants to thousands of churches, ministries, and non-profits.
"In 1982, three Christian financial experts came together with a vision for a new type of charitable foundation – one that would simplify the process of giving, multiply the results, and glorify the Lord.
From a small office in Atlanta, Ga., best-selling author and entrepreneur Larry Burkett, leading financial advisor Ron Blue, and tax attorney Terry Parker began to introduce innovative, tax-wise solutions for transferring wealth to God's Kingdom."
Through their efforts, "National Christian Foundation" was born.
For more see and