Brain surgeon Dr. David Levy ( grew into a lifestyle of offering to pray with each of his patients before, and usually after, surgery. Most patients agreed to it … with very positive results. In time, in private consultation with patients especially troubled, Dr. Levy eased and comforted them into a process of forgiveness. His book Gray Matter relates stories of how patients who specifically forgave others … who then frequently prayed for their own forgiveness … often in that very session would begin emotional, stress-relieving, and physical healing.
To see an article featuring Dr. Levy’s focus on forgiveness and its results (from Dr. Charles Stanley’s In Touch Ministries entitled Forgiveness: Potent Medicine, visit
From his bio: “Dr. David Levy is a neurovascular surgeon who specializes in the treatment of aneurysms and other blood vessel diseases of the brain and spine … An engaging and accomplished speaker, Dr. Levy has been a recipient of the People’s Choice Award in 2010, voted America’s Top Surgeon in 2010 and 2011, and Best Doctor Award yearly since 2007…”
We had a laugh in the intro of both of the brief radio segments (aired on different days) that I recorded with Dr. Levy. I recalled in the old “Beverly Hillbillies” sitcom, Jethro was trying to decide whether to be a garbage truck driver or a brain surgeon! David Levy, in having been an auto mechanic, had to make a similar decision. He concluded that if he could fix cars he probably could fix people! Fortunately he decided to become a brain surgeon.
Part 1