Frank Turek (, like Apollos in the book of Acts (18:24-28), is a skilled apologist in defending our faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible as the Word of God. His visit to St. Louis in behalf of Faith Ascent Ministries is as the featured speaker of one of their major events on January 20, 2012. His provocative subject? “Intellectual Predators: Are Your Kids Safe?” His premise: “Some college professors act as intellectual predators purposefully seeking to undermine the faith of young Christian students.”
Frank Turek, whose credits include the writing of “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist,” joins other major Christian apologists such as Josh McDowell and Lee Strobel in supporting Faith Ascent and its important message as stated on their website (
“Teens spend a lot of time preparing for tests. In fact, their entire academic career has taught them the value of preparing for important tests. However, most Christian teens spend very little time preparing for perhaps the most important test they will ever take; the test that their faith will be subjected to after they leave home.
“Unfortunately, statistics are proving that at least 6 out of 10 young Christians are going to fail this particular test…
Our complimentary youth programs prepare Christian teens for the intellectual and spiritual tests they are sure to take after leaving home. We give teens the foundation and the confidence they'll need to ‘gently and respectfully defend the reasons for the hope they have within them.’” (1 Peter 3:15)
Joan Hendrick and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Faith Ascent significant event on January 20, 2012. Again, for information see