Solomon Kendagor, native Kenyan, with his wife Ruby directs the International Students, Inc ministry ( seeking to lovingly share the message of Jesus to thousands of international students in the St. Louis, MO region. In this radio conversation Solomon speaks of an amazing supplement to his USA ministry: he broadcasts on KASS-FM Radio in Kenya to an estimated 6,000,000 people in the Kalenjin language group each week … from his cell phone in St. Louis! It is done on Saturday evening in the USA and is heard each Sunday morning there. He speaks on radio on major issues with confirmation that he is being used to have a righteous influence in Kenya. In this “fun” interview, Solomon reports that his beloved and treasured wife Ruby (a native of Trinidad) calls him “King Solomon” … and he addresses her “Queen Ruby.” This ministry together includes Ruby overseeing a monthly Friday evening meal in St. Louis’ Memorial Presbyterian Church (located just two blocks south of Washington University) which is typically attended by several hundred international students from 30 or so countries. Solomon and Ruby Kendagor are appreciated friends of mine for many years.