Tim Whitehead, CEO, Galcom International Technologies (www.galcom.org) reports the amazing use of technology to advance the Gospel of Christ. Remarkable points:
- Their main product is a pocket solar radio;
- Powered by both sun and artificial light;
- Locks in, broadcasting only, Christian stations in a given area (Tim sent me one wherein I can listen to St. Louis, MO, Christian radio stations KSIV-AM 1320 and KSIV-AM -91.5 … only;
- As of now, nearly 900,000 of the radios produced and distributed in more than 100 countries
- In areas of danger, radios are often distributed by 5-pound-capacity parachutes;
- Near ready to add a computer chip that has the Bible in 100 languages, heard on the little radio;
- Near ready to add another computer chip that contains all five years of Bible teacher J. Vernon McGee’s “Through the Bible” … in more than 100 languages.
During the radio conversation with Tim Whitehead sharing these amazing facts, I remember the words of Jesus when He said that we would be doing greater works than He did. This may have been a part of what Jesus had in mind!