Joe White, fully aware of the enormous challenges that men face in today’s world, has founded Men at the Cross ( Through great music and highly motivational speakers, Men at the Cross events provide high inspiration, encouragement and humor for men “right where they live.” Similar to the Promise Keeper movement, MATC meetings occur all over the country. At options of dates and locations can be found that should fit into each man’s life. – About Joe White: a former coach, Joe heads “Kanakuk Kamps,” ( a series of sports camps with a Christian focus around Branson, MO, hosting 20,000 each year. He is a frequent guest on Dr. James Dobson’s nationwide Focus on the Family radio and has been a featured speaker in more than 70 Promise Keeper stadium and auditorium gatherings around the country. Major subtle factors in Joe’s impact are his complete one-to-one focus on the person with whom he is talking, his warm compassion for each, and his great motivational encouragement that results.