I have known of Blake Elder since he was born. Joy Elder is the Director of Sales of Advertising for more years than son Blake as been alive. I have watched Joy … and then Blake … for a generation! I like and am thankful for what I see.
Joy has poured her life into Blake all his life. She has tried to do all she could to build into his life Biblical values. She was led to send him to Christian School such as Central (Presbyterian) Elementary and Westminster Christian Academy. She, of course, prays for him and has been a good, loving, role model.
Blake is now working toward his engineering degree at the University of Missouri at Rolla … and making very good grades.
Longtime friend Sue Stoltz is a Regional (six states in the Midwest) Director of National Day of Prayer and is the Bott Radio Network Manager for the several BRN stations in Mid-Missouri. When Sue learned from Joy that Blake was going to engineering school at “Mizzou” at Rolla, she had a suggestion. She knew of a “house” – with a capacity 60 students — something like a fraternity — that was set aside as a residence for young men to live, but with a distinction: its focus is on discipling those young men and providing an “atmosphere” for encouraging an upbeat discipleship and growth in Biblical faith.
Blake is a resident of that “house,” Christian Campus Fellowship (CCF) and involved in its activities.
[Susan Arthur is another very fine BRN staff member, in advertising sales, with an office adjacent to that of Joy Elder. Before his graduation from “Mizzou” at Rolla, Susan and Steve’s son, Ryan, took part in all the small group experiences, intermurals, Bible studies, worship services, etc. of the Christian Campus Fellowship. Though Ryan didn’t live at their residence, Susan “sings high praises” and is so thankful for the very positive CCF impact on her son. She says that “… CCF helped keep him on track in his university experience!” To show you how old I am, I had the joy of holding Ryan as a baby and praying a blessing over him.]
To know more about CCF: https://rollaccf.org/.
Joy told me of a recent telephone call from Blake. “We had a Bible lesson on ‘appreciation,’ and I just called to let you know that I love you and appreciate you!”
Each time I went to St. Louis Bott Radio (AM 1320) when Blake was there, out of the “overflow” of my heart and blessings, I had the joy of encouraging, telling of him things like: “GOD’S WAY IS THE BEST WAY … ALL THE TIME, EVERY TIME!”
Blake and Joy tell me that it must have meant a lot to them both. Joy said to me that Blake had few if any older “encouragers” in his life. It was such an enriching privilege for me. Apparently, it was received very well. I qualify as “older,” and I hope I qualify as an encourager!
Note: When you advertise with Joy and the other sales staff, you are helping advance the Gospel through Christian radio.
Another non-solicited note: Joy Elder is a very attractive, dynamic, classy, industrious lady. If God sent her the right man, she is biblically qualified to get serious!!
[Next 3 lines below centered]
Another encourager, Sue Stoltz, who helped Blake Elder connect with his student residence with Campus Christian Fellowship (www.rollaccf.org) in Rolla
To hear … “Sue Stoltz: As a child, her brother saved her from drowning; when dying, Sue led him to the Savior” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/2018/06/05/sue-stoltz-as-a-child-her-brother-saved-her-from-drowning-when-dying-sue-led-him-to-the-savior/ and …
To hear … “Sue Stoltz leads volunteers for Missouri Decision America Tour with Franklin Graham, prayer in every state capitol” click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/2016/04/28/sue-stoltz-leads-vols-for-mo-decision-america-tour-wfranklin-graham-prayer-in-every-state-capitol/
tO HEAR … “Prayer leaders Sue Stoltz & Lisa Crump re NDP bus tour; prayer visit in Ferguson, then Hollywood” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/2014/09/06/prayer-leaders-sue-stoltz-prayer-visit-in-ferguson-then-hollywood/