Hear the joy and enthusiasm of Eva May as she describes the ministry to and with primarily adults with disabilities!
Pastor William “Bill” McConkey, 50+ year pastor of the Sutter Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, called this unique and important ministry to my attention … and put me in touch with Eva May, one of the “hands on” volunteer leaders of the St. Louis Waymakers Chapel, and the daughter of its founders,
From www.waymakerschapel.org:
“Waymakers Chapel provides spiritual and otherwise basic support for individuals and their families living with special needs, the homeless, and those living in poverty.
Founded in 1970 by Bill and Rosa Williams [Eva May’s parents], Waymakers Chapel for the Exceptional is an interdenominational church that ministers to individuals with special needs, along with their families, through providing a church service that is tailored to support its members in coming to know and experience the love of God.
Continuing in our commitment to serve ‘the least of these’, Waymakers Chapel provides a holistic approach to fill the gaps of our members, the homeless, and impoverished population of St. Louis City, through a socialization program, community based housing, a daily soup kitchen, food pantry and a furniture/household item pantry.
Available services include: Sunday Worship Service, Soup Kitchen, Community Based Housing, Food Pantry, Furniture/Household Items, and a Social Club.”
The ministry is based heavily upon the words of Jesus: “And … the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to me’.” (Matthew 25:40)
The Chapel Social Club offers our members the opportunity to get out and about and have some fun! Some of our activities include going to the movies, bowling, going out to eat, camping, river rafting, and an annual trip to Branson, Missouri. We have Easter egg hunts, holiday parties, arts & crafts and much more!
For information on how to join the Social Club, please contact Eva May at 314 776 7172.
Want to Help?
Our volunteers are not only invaluable to our Club members but are often greatly impacted through this act of service. Contact Eva May at 314 776 7172 or at evamay.waymakerschapel@yahoo.com if interested in chaperoning an event.”