Dave and Kim Brede are St. Louis Conference Ministry Directors of Family Life Today’s “Weekend to Remember” (www.weekendtoremember) – and they have done so for 21 years. Twenty-four other couples serve with them on the Ministry Team. The “Weekend to Remember” has a wonderful track record for making great marriages better … and for saving marriages that were on the road to divorce. Dave, a retired coach, uses his gifts of encouragement and motivation to give the Weekend to Remember the positive promotion it deserves. In this radio interview he speaks of the two St. Louis weekends, held in two nice St. Louis hotels with an expected attendance upwards of 2,000 … and 100,000 attending all over America throughout each single calendar year. Family Life Today is led nationally by Dennis Rainey, and is a branch of Campus Crusade for Christ. For more see www.familylife.com.