Dr. Earl Nance has a unique assignment from God: like the “circuit riding preachers” of yesteryear – having something of a “route” of regular stops for preaching, usually by horseback. Earl has a regular route of preaching in gospel rescue mission throughout the United State via car, train, or plane.
Christian radio listeners will remember the wonderful stories on Unshackled of people who have come into personal hardship and problems, and have experienced the power of God to heal their brokenness. Unshackled is produced by the Pacific Garden Rescue Mission in Chicago, providing compassion, food, sleep, shelter, protection, love and the sharing of the good news of Jesus Christ with hundreds each night.
Earl Nance preaches to hundreds at Pacific Garden each month.
In this radio conversation, he speaks of his calling and experiences in obeying his calling. They include …
- The cities that he visits to do rescue mission preaching;
- The joy in seeing a high number of people receiving Christ among those to whom he preaches;
- The reminder that the Prodigal Son … whose brokenness was a major condition in his coming to the father (a picture of God). (He had nowhere else to go! Luke 15:11-31);
- Noting that “brokenness” is often a strategic part of getting right with God;
- The tragedies of many who are broken that commit suicide, but telling them that Jesus Christ can be called upon as the answer to their brokenness.
We are in the early stages of reorganization of the Freeway Foundation and the Pillsbury-Scarborough Bible College and Seminary, a mostly “on line” means of advancing a Bible-based, and spiritual education. Dr. Earl Nance is emerging as a servant leader in that movement.
Dr. Earl Nance is emerging as a servant leader. He also leads the Sparrow Ministry as a missionary evangelist and can be reached at his email address … earlnance@sbcglobal.net.
Dr. David Claybrook is chairman of the Freeway Board , which oversees the Pillsbury–Scarborough Bible College and Seminary … and can be contacted at brodocdave@gmail.com.
Related Points …
Pastor Erwin Lutzer’s book, Failure: the Back Door to Success, is available at www.moodymedia.org.
I heard the story once on Unshackled that featured my longtime friend, Pastor John Stormer.” To hear a radio conversation with him, on a different subject, titled … “From Archives: John Stormer impacted President Ronald Reagan; 11+ million Stormer books circulated … click on …http://haroldhendrick.com/2016/03/14/from-archives-john-stormer-impacted-president-reagan-11-million-stormer-books-circulated/.
And to hear … “CEO John Ashmen leads Association n of Gospel Rescue Missions; 300 Missions sharing Jesus to homeless poor” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/2014/05/19/ceo-john-ashmen-leads-assn-of-gospel-rescue-missions-300-missions-sharing-jesus-to-homeless-poor/,