Pastor Jeff Lunn of St. Louis was enthusiastic in telling me of a first event that had just occurred in his church. He knew it could be very helpful to other churches and pastors. He certainly was very pleased with the results.
Pastor Lunn had recently invited Attorney Joe Cordell of St. Louis to his North St. Louis County church. The focus was to provide resources in preparing his older members for the last one-third of their lives. A group of mostly older church members who attended the seminar heard Joe Cordell provide two hours of legal guidance for them to consider.
And for all those attending the two-hour session who wished, one hour of one-to-one follow-up legal counsel was made available for any of them who choose to do so.
All of this was without cost to the church or anyone in the church.
As schedule allows, Joe Cordell will make this seminar available to other churches. As you will hear in this brief radio conversation, Pastor Lunn was enthusiastic in reporting how helpful and appreciated it was in his church.
Joe Cordell’s office for elder care legal counsel (Elder Law) can be reached at
314 725-0000.