Joy Elder is the St. Louis Bott Radio Network-owned KSIV’s Sales and Marketing Director. She has a surprise side of her life.
She is a professional-quality skater on ice.
So Joy brought to the radio studio Charity Hendrickson, Director of “Nutcracker on Ice” ( performance in St. Louis. Joy Elder is one of the show’s choreographers.
So we learned more about a very wholesome form of St. Louis Entertainment.
More than 150 local skaters make Nutcracker on Ice happen.
Joan and I hope to take our grandchildren.
Missed the one this year? This is the 12th annual Nutcracker on Ice performance presented by local ice skaters. .
There probably will be more.
Toward the end of this radio conversation unbeknown to Joy, I made some comments about her personal role in maintaining quality Christian radio in St. Louis … and her own income. Merchants and others can help attract awareness and responses to themselves and – at the same time — help maintain quality Christian Radio in St. Louis.
By purchasing time on Bott Radio Network’s St. Louis stations, KSIV-AM (1320) and by sponsorships communications on KSIV-SM (91.5).