In the Good Shepherd Ministries they lead in Guatemala, Dr. Roger and Dr. Vicki Grossmann serve Jesus and the people there with great Christ-like effectiveness and faithfulness.
“Roger is the Executive Director of the Good Shepherd Ministries in Guatemala, directing overall ministry strategies, church planting, and leadership…”
“Vicki is the Director of Operations for the Good Shepherd Ministries in Guatemala, directing the Good Shepherd Clinic and the Good Shepherd Children’s Home, as well as working in mobile clinics, public health projects, logistics for the many volunteer teams who serve with Good Shepherd Ministries, and church development…”
Learn more about the Grossmanns at
They oversee ministry categories such as …
· A Medical Clinic;
· A Training Center;
· A Scholarship program … and now …
· A New orphanage.
Both Roger and Vicki have “paid the price” educationally, with each having an earned Doctors’ degree, great assets in the skills that make them so productive.
It is an honor for me to have these terrific servants of God as longtime friends.!
Evangelism is a major factor in all their ministries!
In this radio conversation we speak of the new children’s center, effectively an orphanage, and precious little “Emma,” abandoned as an infant in a car wash area. She is now thriving under the care of Good Shepherd Ministries orphanage.
Roger Grossmann was one of three brothers who served as International Mission Board Missionaries at the same time: Roger in Central America, David Grossmann in South America, and Mark Grossmann in Africa. Roger’s account of the tender story of his father, Al Grossmann, holding him with such tenderness, providing such spiritual security, is certainly one of the reasons for the great missionary influence in their growing up years.
The fine mothers of both Roger and Vicki are now in Heaven.
“Dr. Roger and Dr. Vicki Grossmann have lived in Guatemala for the past twenty-eight years where they raised their three children: Joshua, Melanie, and Nathanael.
Roger is the Executive Director of the Good Shepherd Ministries in Guatemala, directing overall ministry strategies, church planting, and leadership. Roger has a Doctorate of Ministry and Master of Arts in Cross-Cultural Studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a BS in Chemistry from the University of Missouri. He also designed and directed the building of the Good Shepherd Center.
Vicki is the Director of Operations for the Good Shepherd Ministries in Guatemala, directing the Good Shepherd Clinic and the Good Shepherd Children’s Home, as well as working in mobile clinics, public health projects, logistics for the many volunteer teams who serve with Good Shepherd Ministries, and church development. She holds a doctorate from Duke University, a master’s degree and a post-master from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, as well as is a graduate of the University of Texas-Arlington, Barnes-Jewish College of Nursing, and the University of Missouri-St. Louis.”
For questions regarding the Good Shepherd Ministries email Dr. Roger and Dr. Vicki Grossmann at
Mission teams regularly visit and serve in voluntary mission service with the Grossmanns in Good Shepherd Ministries. Should you and friends be among them? They would welcome hearing from you.
Previous radio with one of Dr. Roger Grossmann brothers, Dr. Mark Grossmann, currently an Adjunct Professor of Bible in Missouri Baptist University in St. Louis. To hear … “Longtime IMB missionary Mark Grossmann shares inspirational Gospel summary, ‘Creation to the Cross’” … click on … … and …
To hear … “Missionary friend Mark Grossmann (1): African “Bible storying” – saw ”Book of Acts” works of God” … click on …
Like the story of abandoned Guatemalan baby “Emma,” two instances of abandoned babies being rescued and saved come to mind:
· The great George Washington Carver, kidnapped as a slave baby by an outlaw band with his mother and an older sister, left on the ground to die with whooping cough. He was recovered by the Carver family, but his mother and sister were never found. The white Carver family in southwest Missouri was more like loving grandparents to frail George. He grew up to be one of the greatest Americans and Christians … ever! His story can be heard on “anytime” radio by clicking on
· The other is that of Ruby Kendagor, native of Trinidad and wife of Dr. Solomon Kendagor, native Kenyan. Solomon and Ruby are strong spiritual leaders with ministries impacting people in several nations (See Solomon tells the story in our interview of wife Ruby references being abandoned as a baby, accessed for anytime listening by clicking on
These great instances remind us to be thankful that there was no “Planned Parenthood” at the time. Baby Emma, George Washington Carver, and Ruby Kendagor might not have survived their evil knives!