Dr. Jeffery Brown, respected Christian studies professor at Hannibal-Lagrange University (in Mark Train’s Hannibal, Mo), makes a clear and accurate observation: many pastors are quitting their pastorates!
Out of his concern, he has written a book: Don’t Quit Your Church: What to Know Before You Leave Your Present Ministry.
From the “web:”
“Don’t Quit Your Church! is a foundational philosophy of ministry that serves two distinct purposes. First, it serves as hope for struggling ministers who are suffering from "perceived failure" in the ministry and are strongly considering resigning their current position. Secondly, it offers insight to those who are at the beginning stages of discovering a biblical and unique approach to ministry.
“The clergy of the postmodern era are in crisis! The level of today’s challenges have reached fever pitch and the church throughout most of the world is not able to hold her own ground. When the daily news informs those of faith that the good fight is turning into a rout, the church is forced to rethink her strategy. This begins with the minister.
“The stability of the minister’s purpose and calling are of the utmost importance. Unfortunately, today’s minister lives with many misconceptions about the work of the calling. This has resulted in frustrated pastors, consistent discouraging results, souring relationships, and, eventually, the minister chooses to walk away. Don’t Quit Your Church is a plea for the struggling minister to move from emotional reaction to thoughtful consideration and from frustration to resolve. Serving as both a foundational philosophy of Christian ministry and a help in time of trouble, this work should be read and reread by those who desire a ministry and approach that will endure during the difficult days ahead.”
About Dr. Brown … from the “web:”
“Dr. Jeffery Brown’s favorite part of teaching is ‘seeing the light come on’ in his students. ‘It’s neat to hear people start to put their life in perspective and think about it and really start to prioritize,’ said Brown. ‘I feel like the Word is equipping. I feel like I’m giving them ammunition to go out and fight the good fight.’
“After receiving his undergraduate degree from HLG, Brown moved to Louisville, Kentucky where he attended The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Since obtaining his Master of Divinity. and Ph.D. from Southern, he has also taught as an adjunct at Southern, Mid-Western Theological Seminary, and Rockbridge Seminary (online). After teaching adjunct at HLG for several years, he joined the HLG faculty full-time in 2008.
“Dr. Brown’s inspiration for teaching has roots in the time he spent at HLG as a student. While pursuing his degree, he sat under Dr. Pelletier, Dr. Morgan and Dr. Bergen. ‘I remember how they impacted my life and what a positive influence they had on me,’ said Brown. ‘If I could do that for other young men who were wanting to go into ministry, I’d want to do that.’
“His experience in the pastorate prior to coming on full-time at HLG fueled a passion for helping fellow pastors. Brown has a burden for helping struggling churches become healthy and fruitful, and runs an active ministry to serve and train local church pastors. Brown has served as churches in Kentucky, Missouri and Illinois and is currently serving at FBC Ewing, MO
“Outside of the classroom, Dr. Brown relishes the time he has with his wife (also an HLG alum) and his three kids, Danielle, 15, Linnea, 12 and Colin, 10.
“Courses Taught:
“Philosophy of Ministry, Church Administration, Preaching Lab, Introduction to Church Growth, Baptist History and Theology, Biblical Interpretation, Introduction to Speech, Old Testament Survey. And New Testament Survey.
“Educational Background: Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary MDiv., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary B.A., Hannibal-LaGrange College”