That startling reality has impacted many followers of Jesus and called them to action. George Hutchings is one of them.
George is widely known in and beyond the St. Louis, Mo area for his years of ministry of collecting “slightly used” shoes throughout the area, selling them by the ton, and “turning them into drinking water!”
The money was translated into the drilling of 400 shallow wells, mostly in Kenya. The lighter water drills were effective … except for when their drill points hit granite. Then there were problems.
Now, thanks to donors … and God who motivated them … a deep water drill has now been acquired which will go right through granite – creating a 12” hole — to a depth of 900 feet. George points out that now they are able to drill for good drinking water to a depth that is 1 1/2 times as deep as the St. Louis arch is high.
Visit to see it for yourself!
George Hutchings concludes this radio recording by telling a gripping wartime story of, at age 18, his near death experience as a marine in the war in Vietnam. A soldier buddy – whose name rhymes with “Christ” — died so that he, George, might live. George was to learn later of someone else who died for him … to forgive him and give him eternal live!
George is involved in other ministry projects in Kenya. Click on and look around to read their short stories and see remarkable visuals.
To read about and hear earlier radio with George Hutchings, titled … “’Shoeman”’ George Hutchings’ Vietnam buddy died for him; later learned of another who died for him” … click on … ; and to hear … “’Shoeman’ Hutchings collects tons of shoes to pay for drilling water wells for needy countries” … click on …