Attorney Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel ( is a personal and legal force in wisely using the law and the legal system to advance righteousness. His almost innumerable credits include having been the President of Liberty University’s Law School.
One example: Child Evangelism Fellowship is a worldwide evangelistic and discipleship ministry focused on children. CEF was in danger of losing a vital part of their work, the “Good News Clubs,” conducted weekly, after school hours, mostly in public schools. But Mat Staver and the Liberty Counsel took the case and pleaded it before the US Supreme Court on the basis of “equal access” laws. The court agreed. Public schools that allow other groups to use their buildings after hours must not discriminate against CEF and their Good News Clubs.
Now every church has the opportunity to partner with CEF in sponsoring a Good News Club. CEF is available to train the few people needed to lead it.
Now, thanks to Child Evangelism Fellowship, and to God, there are now 6,200 Good News Clubs!
Some foundational principles of Liberty Counsel (
“Restoring the Culture by Advancing Religious Freedom, the Sanctity of Human Life and the Family.”
“Advancing religious freedom helps create and maintain a society where everyone has the opportunity to discover the truth that will bring real freedom.”
“Marriage and the union of one man and one woman predates civil government and is the foundation of civil society and the family. Government attempts to redefine marriage inevitably clash with religious freedom in our homes, businesses, schools and places of worship.“
Frequently in the national TV and radio news – following the sad same-sex “marriage” decision of the Supreme Court, Mat stood with Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis in her refusal to issue “marriage” licenses (opposing the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 19: 4-6) to same-sex couples.
Thank God … and thank you, Mat Staver ,,, for you and your team!!
Mat provided counsel to the pastors and other “messengers” attending the 2016 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in St. Louis. He wrote or advised their Resolutions Committee on several of the resolutions the committee presented and had approved by the messengers. This included solid legal information on what churches needed to know and do in being voices .. within the law … for righteousness.
In this radio conversation Mat Staver cites several points that SBC President Ronnie Floyd ( had placed on the large screen for the thousands of messengers to read while he … Ronnie Floyd … read them aloud. He began by noting that, with all the threats that churches might lose their tax exempt status when they take a “stand,” no church ever has ever lost their tax-exempt status!
As a biblical basis for the need for saving the lives of children, Jeremiah 1: 4,5 says:
“Now the word of the Lord came to [Jeremiah] saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, And before you were born, I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.’” (Underlining is mine) Five times God uses a personal pronoun of personhood in reference to the unborn Jeremiah! An unborn baby is a person!
In late June of 2016, the US Supreme Court announced its decision against Texas pro-life laws. “Thanks” to the US Supreme Court, in my judgment it will now be easier to destroy unborn babies…who the bible refers to as being persons. Mat Staver provided a great response to the media – and thus to the nation — on that bad decision, articulating our Biblical, pro-life, position..
Mat Staver is the “whole package … wise, gentle, disciplined, articulate, grounded in biblical truth, confidently bold in sharing truth, providing great role modeling for all of us.