As Director of Missions of the 61 churches of the Metro East Baptist Association just east of St. Louis, Mo, Ronny Carroll has a passion to advance the Great Commission of Jesus (Matthew 28:19, 20). He serves in assisting churches and others to do ministries that they can better do together than separately … in the spirit of Biblical unity for which Jesus prayed in John chapter 17.
So this is one more good reason for Ronny Carroll to be involved in the leadership in “Crossover!”
As of this point of writing in June of 2016, the convening of the Annual gathering of the Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis is near, As in June of every year – in the host city of the event — Crossover is the unofficial beginning. This year on Saturday, June 11, more than 1,000 volunteers from around the USA are coming to St. Louis, joining hundreds of St. Louis believers, to share in various ways the advancing the Gospel of Christ. It includes direct witnessing of the Good News, building relationships and doing practical acts of loving service. It is letting our “…light so shine before men that they will see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven … [the words of Jesus Christ in Matthey 5:16].
Other believers – Baptists or not – are invited and welcome to be a part of Crossover. For more info, Ronny Carroll welcomes your call at the Metro East Baptist Association at 618 624-4444 … or staff minister Tom Firasek of the St. Louis Metro Baptist Association at 314 225-1328. More information is also available by clicking on
Again, Crossover is now regularly conducted in the host city of the Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. Did you miss it in 2016? Watch for it each year … until Jesus returns!
“Baptist” is a major point of reference in this discussion. But with you being a Jesus-follower in a different group of churches and Christians, please note that anyone appreciating the lives and messages of Drs. David Jeremiah, (the late) Adrian Rogers, and Charles Stanley should be comfortable with Southern Baptists. That is the denominational identification of these great men.
One evidence of the great commitment to Jesus of Ronny Carroll and his wife: after their children were grown, the couple answered the “call” to minister the Good News in Asia for years, sharing the powerful, life changing message of Jesus. So as midlife adults, they took on the discipline of learning a difficult oriental language – and succeeded!
To born-again Christians: consider being a part of “Crossover!!”