From “Orality is the fastest growing movement in evangelism today, and it is changing the face of missions around the world.”
Regarding this orality event: “Participants are telling how this training is bringing transformation to their lives and increasing their effectiveness in sharing their faith and disciple making efforts.”
Dr. Jerry Wiles is former President, and now President Emeritus, of Living Water International ( This amazing movement was triggered by a group of laypeople on short term mission to Kenya. They returned to Houston, appalled at what they saw the people there were using for drinking water! Further motivated by the fact that more people die from bad drinking water than from starvation, Living Water International was formed… and has been “key” in the drilling of more than 16,000 fresh water wells in many poverty areas of the world! As always, it is done in Jesus Name!
Jerry Wiles visits St. Louis for a one-day conference on another and related impotent reality … Orality. His focus on both Living Water (Jesus) and physical water had led him further into an additional major need of reaching the world’s majority … primarily oral learners. Most of the world’s people can read something, Jerry notes, but most of the world functions – in learning and communicating – are through oral means.
Our longtime friend Dr. Avery Willis, now in Heaven, is recognized as the founder of the International Orality Network (
For years the host church, Crossing, ( and Pastor Greg Holder continues to have a great focus on spotlighting and financing the drilling of many fresh water wells in Jesus Name – and they have involved many others to also be a part .. underscoring the need to reach the world’s majority .. primarily oral learners with the Gospel.
The event is hosted in far west St. Louis County on Friday, May 20, 2016, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM’. Registration information and further details are available at (Reading this after the event? These training sessions are to be held indefinitely. Check the website.)
“Participants are telling how this training is bringing transformation to their lives and increasing their effectiveness in sharing their faith and disciple making efforts.”
Your questions can be answered by calling 281.207.7800 or by emailing or 281.207.7800.
Earlier related radio … for anytime listening:
To hear … “Dr Jerry Wiles: specialist in water well drilling in poor nations; focused ministry to oral learners” … click on … … and
To hear … “Greg Holder re Advent Conspiracy: “worship fully, spend less, give more, love all” – & save lives!” … click on …