With his passion for religious liberty, University of Missouri Law School Professor Josh Hawley supports Missouri Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 39, which would provide the citizens of Missouri a 2016 to vote in support of religious liberty.
Josh is an expert in constitutional law and religious liberty, serving with his wife on the faculty at the University of Missouri Law School.
Josh Hawley is from small town (Lexington) Missouri. He excelled as a graduate of Stanford University and Yale University Law School, leading to his being selected and serving as “clerk” for United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. He met his wife there, also a clerk, during his days at the US Supreme Court. They married, live in Columbia, Mo, and are parents of two little “clerks!”
Josh Hawley was a member of the Hobby Lobby legal defense team that won their case in the US Supreme Court, which included his sitting at the defense table during Supreme Court’s hearing of the case. That favorable ruling meant that Hobby Lobby’s religious liberty was protected so that they would no longer be legally pressured to finance abortions.
Hear Josh Hawley express his support of religious liberty … and SJR 39… in his own words.
His passion for religious liberty is a key motivation in his “… throwing his hat into the ring… ” as a 2016 candidate for the office of Missouri Attorney General.