Having received Christ by faith earlier in life, Doug Merkey experienced a “call” to minister the message of Jesus. While a student in Covenant Seminary in St. Louis, Mo, his roommate invited him to a weekly visit to Planned Parenthood.
He accepted the invitation to visit. It was to change his life … forever!
Doug began Churches for Life, helping congregations address a range of sanctity of life issues. The vision and explanation of this significant ministry is available at http://www.getintolife.org. Already more than 100 churches from around the country are participating.
In this informative radio conversation, Doug Merkey invites us to a five-hour, Saturday morning 2016 Churches for Life Life Summit in St. Louis on April 2, 2016, The very impressive program of remarkable leaders is seen at www.getintolife.z2systems.com/np/clients/getintolife/event.jsp?event=4&. Or for more information, Doug can be contacted at his office number: (636) 861-1870.
It is “headlined” by prolific author and scholar, Dr. George Grant, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Grant_(author).
If you miss this one, be impressed, as was I, as what to expect for future events sponsored by Churches for Life.
Churches for Life welcomes your questions … and participation … anytime.