Segment 2
Connecting Believers
The rather newly formed “STL Pastors’ Fellowship” was invited to meet for one of their 2015 gatherings in the home of President and Mrs. Mark Dalbey of Covenant Theological Seminary, in St. Louis, Mo (, The Fellowship’s co-founders, Pastors Mike Higgins and Phil Brownlee, asked him to provide the teaching for the session.
It was very fine guidance that was biblical and a helpful application for today’s challenges. The essence of it became the content of three 10-minute sessions on Bott Radio Network-owned KSIV-AM (1320) ( in St. Louis, MO. You can now listen to these recordings, broadcast on three different days, of Dr. Dalbey’s teachings, summarized from his “Grace-Based Leadership Seminar” … in his own words.
His outline is seen below:
Dr. Mark L. Dalbey, Covenant Seminary
1. Strong and Courageous …
o 2 Chronicles 20:1-28
o 2 Timothy 1:7, 12
After listening well to input from others, leaders are called to make strong decisions without worrying about having to please everyone who gave input
2. Embracing the Messiness …
o John 16:33
o 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
God uses messiness to take us places He wants us to go we wouldn’t otherwise
3. Calm …
o Philippians 4:4-7
When things get messy the leader must be calm in order to keep leading
Non-anxious presence with God’s peace because God is near
4. Gospel-Shaped …
o I Timothy 1:15
o Psalm 51
Gospel leaders are first to repent
Chief of Sinners like Paul deepen understanding of God’s holiness, our sinfulness, and amazing grace of the gospel that is always greater than our sin
5. Holy Spirit Empowered …
o Acts 1:8; 2:33; 4:31; 6:5; 9:31; 10:38; 11:24; 13:1-3; 13:52; 15:28; 20:28
o Mark 1:7-14; 13:10-11; Luke 10:21-22; 11:13; Romans 14:17; 15:13
Must be empowered by the Holy Spirit as we depend on and look to him
Therefore called to walk by faith and not by sight
6. Kingdom – Missional Vision …
o Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 1:14-15; Luke 8:1
o Colossians 1:9-23
Doxological, Transformational, Kingdom Missional Collaborative
Lord’s Prayer: Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Follow Jesus into all towns and villages (everywhere, all the time, with everybody) proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God
7. Collaborative …
o Ephesians 4:1-16
o I Corinthians 12
No person has all the gifts – we need one another as all are gifted
Humble, servant, shared leadership
8. Servant …
o Mark 10:45; I Peter 5:1-11
o Philippians 2:1-11
All to clothe ourselves with humility
Only God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent – not the pastor