Linda Morris, now living on the Illinois side of the St. Louis, Mo, region, responded to a call from God to emphasize the love of Yeshua (Jesus) to Jewish people and Israel. She founded “Dodi Yavoh” (“Do dee’ Ya voh’), Hebrew for “My Beloved will come!” (referring, of course, to the return of Yeshua), See
Linda’s local groups meet monthly, normally the second Tuesday of the month in the Liberty Worship Center in Edwardsville, IL, just northeast of St. Louis.
Messianic Jews are often featured as guest leaders at these inspirational gathering. A recent one included a Messianic Rabbi now living in St. Louis. In this conversation, Linda announces the visit of George Kouz, owner of a jewelry store in Jerusalem, bringing in samples of his precious stones. Probably a “first” for guests is to hear Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus on earth, of which Mr. Kouz is conversant. This particular gathering is on March 1, 2016. Each gathering – again, normally the second Tuesday of each month — has its uniqueness, of which this is one example. We are invited.
In this radio conversation Linda and I recalled a story of Andy Ball, a previous guest from Jerusalem, leader of the Bible Society of Israel. We smiled as we revisited the story of an Israeli prison official – a chaplain, I believe — who came into Andy’s bookstore and bought hundreds of Arabic New Testaments to distribute to the imprisoned Arabs under his oversight. “They are more peaceful,” he reported, “when they read the New Testament!”
“Dodi Yavoh Ministry ministers to Israelis with humanitarian assistance, prayer and intercession encouraging Israelis to return home to the Land and to their God. We support many Israeli organizations. Linda teaches Hebrew; leads prayer for Israel and teaches why we must support modern Israel. To know your Jewish Messiah in a deeper way, partner with us to bless Israelis! ‘I will bless those who bless Israel…’ Genesis 12:3 . Your gifts are tax deductible and are used to bless Israel based upon Romans 15:27. ‘They (Gentiles) are in debt to them (Israel) for if these Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, then they ought also to be of service to them in material blessings.’ This is an investment that brings guaranteed blessings and prosperity in obedience to His Word.”