Dottie Whitney, as of this writing, has been on the ministry staff of Child Evangelism Fellowship for 57 years! She has given her life in support of sharing the gospel message of Jesus to the world’s most responsive group to the good news of Jesus … children.
Though not from a Christian home, young teenager Dottie began attending Youth for Christ rallies in Boston, MA. In 1952, in one of those rallies, 15-year-old Dottie came to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
It wonderfully affected her whole life and future. She was soon to discover the great and growing gospel ministry to children, Child Evangelism Fellowship, and joined its ministry staff in 1958.
During her spiritual journey, Dottie had the joy of later leading her own mother to faith in Jesus.
“I have retired three times,” Dottie reports.
As I write, one can call the international offices of CEF in Warrenton, MO … one hour west of St. Louis … and be able to connect with her. She is a trusted special assistant to CEF President Reese Kauffman.
In our radio conversation, Dottie rejoiced in reporting that — in the previous year — more than 300,000 teens and adults were trained to shared the message of Jesus … face to face … with 19,900,000 children in 192 countries throughout the world. “Indigenous missions” is evidenced in that 94% of those workers live in the country wherein they minister.
And though CEF is a 78-year ministry, the previous year saw a 27% growth in the ministry!
During this visit with Dottie, personal memories flooded my heart and soul. I, too, received Christ as Savior at age 15 in a Youth For Christ Rally (though her in Boston, MA, and me in my home town of Jackson, MS. Dottie in 1952, I in the winter of 1950-51!
Thank God for Dottie Whitney and all those who give their live to serving Jesus in commitment, love and obedience.
Recent radio can be heard with her “boss,” CEF President Reese Kauffman, titled … “Reese Kauffman leads Child Evangelism F’ship, world’s largest children’s ministry; amazing update!” … by clicking on .
For more on the great ministry of CEF, visit