With a recent focus on Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the Moon, enjoy this radio conversation with Judy Boen of St. Louis. As a young adult Judy was secretary and confidant to the astronauts, having a warm working relationship with them
Enjoy this radio conversation – as did I — of her days of friendship and working with the astronauts … in her own words.
This brief radio interview. recorded earlier, was originally titled: “Judy Boen, secretary to astronauts; fiery deaths of 3 of them forever motivated her to share Jesus! “ The earlier comments on that conversation are seen below:
Early in her marriage Judy Boen was secretary … and friend … to the world-famous astronauts at Cape Kennedy (now Cape Canaveral), Florida. This even included the original seven … Alan Shepherd, Wally Schirra, Gus Grissom, John Glen, Deke Slayton, Scott Carpenter, and Gordon Cooper.
She continued in her role of serving and being friends with the next two “generations” of astronauts. Their names were known — usually as “household words” … to tens of millions worldwide. They included Neil Armstrong, first man to walk on the Moon.
A tragedy during those days resulted in a life-changing experience in Judy Boen’s young adult life. During one of those work days, Judy had some church materials spread on her desk. Astronaut Roger Chaffee saw and asked about them. Judy explained that her husband, Jim, was the chairman of her church’s evangelism committee … so they talked of “church” things, with Chaffee mentioning the church of which he was a part.
They talked “church” but not “Jesus.”
Home from work that same evening, the “breaking” news flashed on the television. Astronaut Roger Chaffee, and two other of her astronaut friends, Ed White and Gus Grissom, has just burned to a fiery death in a space training module …. very near where Judy had just been with them!
That life changing experience led Judy Boen to commit to talk a lot more about “Jesus” and less about “church” … and she has been talking about Jesus ever since!
At age ten Judy was led to faith in Jesus Christ by the remarkable St. Louis “Youth for Christ” Director, Bill Weston, now with the Lord. She is a lifelong St. Louis Cardinal fan and the President of the fan club of St. Louis Cardinal great, Wally Moon. She went on to later found the Annual “Christian Family Day” in Busch Stadium in St. Louis … wherein for 19 years money was raised so that thousands of inner-city children could have a free meal (usually “Chic-fil-A”), have outdoor games in a local park, be entertained, and given a free ticket to the Cardinal baseball game each year on a summer Saturday afternoon. After the CFD Saturday game each year, thousands of Cardinal fans (including the inner city children) would remain, enjoy inspirational music, Christian testimonies from Cardinal players, and then hear a clear Gospel message. Many committed to faith in Christ.”