Pastor Phil Hunter may be the most personally evangelistic pastor I know, witnessing as to Jesus Christ as a lifestyle, bearing fruitful results. Growing up, his mother guided him into memorizing the scripture, teaching him to apply it to his life. He is a product of the impact of the word of God on his life.
Yet in moving from Oregon to Missouri at age 33 – to be the Associate Director of the nearly 2,000 churches of the Missouri Baptist Convention – Phil tells of experiencing a time of depression that temporarily had great impact. During that painful time, he thought: “Coming to Missouri was the worst thing I ever did!” He relates the story in this radio conversation and shares its results.
Be inspired by this first radio interview with Dr. Philip R. Hunter regarding his new book: “Thinking God: When God Rules your Thoughts!” We must be “Thinking God” as a lifestyle.
Thinking God: When God Rules your Thoughts! – even in the early days of its publication … filled with true-to-life stories of the applied lessons of Scripture – is gripping and impacting lives.
More about Thinking God can be found at Facebook under the heading “Dr. Phillip R. Hunter.” Brief inspirational thoughts from Pastor Phil – lifting the heart and soul – are also posted there each day.
Thinking God is now available in bookstores and on line book sources, such as at
Can regular radio chats with Dr. Hunter on Bott Radio Network-owned 100,000 watts of KSIV-FM 91.5 in St. Louis be far behind? I think not!!
For several years my longtime friend Phil Hunter has served as Senior Pastor of the West (St. Louis) County Community Church (, wherein his personal testimony of salvation is concisely stated:
“Pastor Phil trusted Jesus Christ to be his Lord and Savior in August of 1958 at a county-wide tent revival meeting in Warren, Arkansas.”