With her Seeing Eye dog at her side, Judy Redlich describes the great work of Joni & Friends Gateway (http://www.joniandfriends.org/st-louis/). She and Joni & Friends (“Joni” being quadriplegic Joni Ericson Tada) ministry to the disabled “have a heart” for this important and special category of people — disabled people everywhere — especially in Judy Redlich’s “own back yard” of St. Louis, MO.
Judy notes that the disabled received the love, attention, and compassion of Jesus when He was here on earth. Should they receive any less now from those of us who are his hands, feet, and heart? Their needs are reflected by the fact that 19 out of 20 of the disabled do not attend church services.
Judy is herself disabled with physical blindness … but is a great and positive inspiration. She is radiant and upbeat in spirit, hardly noticing that she is disabled. For instance, she makes annual trips to Mexico to help the disabled in that country, especially helping churches there be trained to ministry in that important area of need.
She was on television weekly for years on Channel 24 in St. Louis.
From their website: “You can help change lives! The ministry of Joni and Friends is made possible through the generosity of friends like you. It is through this generosity that this Local Office is able to serve their community. Thank you for your gift today.”
Joni and Friends ministry specializes in helping churches become trained and equipped to minister to the disabled. Call her on her cell phone at (314) 814-0919.
Earlier Radio with Judy, titled “Judy Redlich is blind but with great vision! Leads St. Louis Joni and Friends ministry to disabled” can be heard by clicking on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/413/5/ ; and
“Judy Redlich, blind, leads St. Louis Joni & Friends; helps startup ministries to the disabled” is available by clicking on … http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/180/5/