Connecting Believers
Mayor Tom Schneider of Florissant, MO takes to the radio airwaves to promote the many wholesome activities of his city … and to invite us all to be their guests.
Located in the north part of St. Louis (MO) County, it is the largest of approximately 100 towns and cities in the county. (Surprisingly, St. Louis City is governmentally not a part of St. Louis County.)
Established in 1787, Florissant is two years older than the United States Constitution which was birthed in 1789. The city was originally called St. Ferdinand.
Mayor Schneider highlights a number of the upcoming wholesome, family-friendly activities of his city. This brief radio broadcast calls special attention to the “Valley of Flowers” festivities, which are typical of an annual focus Florissant provides each year in early May.
Mayor Schneider and the City recognize the “National Day of Prayer” on Thursday, May 1 (2014) by welcoming all who will come to the grounds of FlorissantÕs City Hall. There will be a time of prayer, followed by refreshments provided by area businesses. This attitude of embracing the Annual National Day of Prayer (NDP) recognizes our need for God and advances spiritual values and wholesome relationships within the community.
On Friday and Saturday of the first weekend in May, Mayor Schneider lets us know of the many family-friendly celebration opportunities that await us. The weekend concludes with a festive Sunday afternoon parade in Florissant.
Details of the Valley of Flowers events are provided at …