Hear Neil Mammen in his own words:
Connecting Believers
Be impacted as you visit www.noblindfaith.com. Host Neil Mammen is an “…author, Apologist, International Speaker, Physicist, Engineer …” He was born in Africa and is a descendant of parents and ancestors native to the nation of India.
His schedule takes him throughout the United States and much of the world.
I first heard Neil Mammen being interviewed as a “Complete Story” guest of Dick and Rich Bott on the 90+ radio stations of Bott Radio Network (www.bottradionetwork.com).
Beyond Neil’s March, 2014, visit to Missouri, his speaking schedule and impact can be followed on his website. Information as of this writing on his Missouri leadership includes the following:
· Monday, March 24, 2014, 6:00 – 9:00 PM in Jefferson City, MO, the state’s capitol, as a part of the “Awakening Freedom Tour” held in the worship center of the Concord Baptist Church. Sponsors are the “Show me Your Glory Lord Committee;” the Missouri Baptist Convention (composed of 1,900 cooperating churches); the Missouri National Day of Prayer; and the Culture Shield Network. Others in leadership include Christian historian Wm J Federer, Donna Lippoldt, Mark Snowden, and Sue Stoltz.
· Tuesday, March 25, 2014, noon – 1:30 PM in the Rotunda of the Missouri State Capitol Building, titled “Show Me Your Glory Lord.” We’ll be seeking the Lord in prayer and repentance.
A brief and inspirational history of this annual rotunda prayer time — titled Kerry Messer: MO lawmakers want statewide prayer addressing MO budget crisis; Historic situation! — is found by clicking on http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/167/5/ . “Behind the Scenes” there was a sincere request for Missourians to pray for the crisis in the Missouri legislature. The deep yearning for prayer support was made by some Missouri Senators and Representatives, Democrat and Republicans,
Previous annual Rotunda Prayer events were led by Ann Graham Lotz (Billy Graham’s daughter), Tom Blackaby (son of Henry), Allen Keys (conservative author and speaker), and Bill Murray, (committed Christian son of the late atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hare).
You are invited to pray for these events, to help us “get the word out,” and to attend with us if possible.