(Quote from Dr. Jerry Wiles writings in the “links” at the bottom herein, note the enlightening comment regarding the teaching style and method of Jesus Christ:
“Dr. Robert E. Coleman, respected scholar, theologian and author of many classic books on evangelism and disciple making, has pointed out that of the 183 questions that Jesus was asked as recorded in the New Testament, He only answered three of them directly. The others He answered by asking another question or telling a story or parable.” Could not we learn much from His example?!)
In the early 1990’s, a short-term mission team from Houston, Texas visited Kenya. They returned home shocked at what many Kenyans were consuming for drinking water! Their experience made clear the reality that more people worldwide die from bad drinking water than die from starvation.
Some on this team of Jesus-followers were Texas oil drilling people. What they saw combined with their burden and skills founded Living Water International. (See www.water.cc)
In hosting radio with Living Water’s then President Jerry Wiles (he is now President Emeritus) just a few years ago, Living Water had drilled 7,000 fresh water wells in many of the poorer nations of the world! Now, Living Water has drilled 13,000 wells!
(To hear that earlier interview titled: “Jerry Wiles, Living Water Intl: ‘More die from bad water than starvation;’ 7,000 wells dug for poor,” click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/content/view/145/5/ then scroll down.)
Jerry Wiles’ major focus as LW’s President Emeritus is now advancing the Gospel of Jesus worldwide using Bible “Storying,” recognizing that a majority of the world’s population is composed — by culture or by choice – of oral learners. See www.water.cc/orality. He recognizes the wisdom and importance of sharing the Good News of Jesus in the primary manner done by Jesus: through “Storying!” (Jerry was in leadership at the 2013 Annual Conference of the International Orality Network – www.orality.net – conducted in the Doubletree Hotel in West St. Louis County, MO, with participants coming from all over the world.)
Three valuable and important articles written by Dr. Wiles can be accessed by clicking on the following links:
http://www.assistnews.net/STORIES/2013/s13090127.htm ,
http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2012/s12070133.htm ,
And …
http://www.assistnews.net/stories/2012/s12090026.htm .
Hear Dr. Jerry Wiles … in his own words.