Joe Ortwerth was elected to the Missouri Legislature six times, serving there 12 years. Then voters elected him as the St. Charles County (MO) Executive three times, for a total of 24 years public service!
Receiving a call from God for his next phase of life and service, Joe thought he was to pastor a small church. Instead his obedience led him to a larger role, including establishing and leading the Missouri Family Policy Council (
From his Missouri Family Policy Council website: The Missouri Family Policy Council (MoFPC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting Biblical principles in our government and Judeo-Christian values in our culture that support and strengthen the traditional family.
Joe Ortwerth’s growths, his passion for God and for righteousness are closely akin to the prophets of God in Scripture, such as Jeremiah and John the Baptist.
Hear Joe Ortwerth … in his own words.