Donna Hearne founded and maintains leadership in the Constitutional Coalition ( From the website:
“Securing Our Future through Education, Publications and Leadership Training”
“Unique in Missouri, The Constitutional Coalition addresses vital contemporary topics from a constitutional perspective. Government, taxes, national defense, education, family needs, property rights, environmental and other issues that impact every citizen of the state are researched and then presented in an understandable format.”
The Constitutional Coalition has produced the Educational Policy Conference, which provides us a wealth of facts and truth.
Participants come from all over the United States.
In 2014 the Conference celebrates its 25th year. Regarding “EPC 25,” (from
The Force for the Future, Combating Falsehoods with Facts in Education and the Media
For a listing of the amazing array of speakers/experts in 2014 — typical of each year’s late January Educational Policy Conference in St. Louis, MO — see .
We are invited.
Hear Donna Hearne talk about it … in her own words.