“Valery Bianco grew up on a farm in Russia with his parents until he was later placed in an orphanage. When he was around 10 years old, he received a shoebox gift with pencils, a notebook, deodorant, and toys. His favorite item was a toy car because they did not get many toys in the orphanage, and he had never seen one like it before. The gift gave him hope that there is something more than just hatred in the world. As a young teenager, Valery was adopted by a family in Illinois and became a follower of Jesus one year later.”
Since its beginning in 1993, Samaritans Purse’s Operation Christmas Child has sent more than 100,000,000 (one hundred million) shoeboxes of gifts and love to needy children worldwide.
There is a pickup week each year, usually in November. In 2013 it is November 18 – 25.
How can I learn more and become involved?
· Visit www.samaritanspurse.org;
· Click on Operation Christmas Child;
· Click on “Drop-Off Locations;”
· Fill in your postal zip code.
Can I learn the destination of my shoebox (or shoeboxes)? Yes!
Follow the same procedure as above, but click on “Follow your Box.”
Can I have someone else put together and send a box for me? Yes!
Follow the same procedure and click on “Build a Shoebox online.”
Listen now to Valery Bianco tell his moving story … in his own words!