Family Life “Help for Today … Hope for Tomorrow” is famous for strengthening families and enriching marriages. In this radio discussion a weekend “Couples Checkup” conference is offered in one church – First Baptist Church of Arnold, MO ( – and, when planned, can be provided in any region in the country.
The Couple Checkup Conference is designed to inspire, educate, and encourage couples in all seasons of life (pre-marriage, marriage, and remarriage) toward greater intimacy and stability. It uses one of the most sophisticated relationship assessments to tailor its message to each individual audience. Each couple will complete the online Couple Checkup prior to the conference.
Ron Deal is on ministry staff at Family Life and provides insights in this brief radio discussion. He is a conference speaker, author, and therapist with the international ministry of FamilyLife® in Little Rock, Arkansas. He conducts marriage and family seminars around the country and has written five books on the family. He has appeared on dozens of national and international radio and TV broadcasts including The 700 Club, Fox News, WGN News, FamilyLife Today, and Focus on the Family.
Shawn Summers, Director of Discipleship & Married Adult Ministries of First Baptist of Arnold, is local coordinator of this “Couples Checkup” and offers helpful input.
Hear Ron Deal and Shawn Summers … in their own words.