Stephen and Lori Hendrick, our Kansas City, Missouri, son and daughter-in-law, looked for ways to guide and support their four children (our grandchildren) into a wholesome worldview and lifestyle, including Biblical attitudes toward sexuality. Their parenting in this area blossomed into a highly anticipated parent-to-each-child time together. Upon the 13th birthday of each, a special overnighter was planned. Dad Stephen took son Andrew (“Drew”) on a camping/mountain biking trip; and later Mom Lori, upon the 13th birthday of each daughter, separately took Ashlyn and then Avery to an area hotel for their special times together, each using a program designed for this very purpose, “Passport to Purity” by Dennis Rainey of Family Life Today, a Bott Radio Network program.
I didn’t ask for all the details, but this special time was a highlight and a treasured experience for each of the three older children. On the second of the two days, each child was invited by, again, Stephen with Drew and Lori with their daughters, Ashlyn and Avery, to accept and wear a “purity ring.” By accepting … as they did … each was volunteering to wear his/her ring to express commitment … a commitment to “wait” for the one they would marry before having the sexual intimacies God planned to occur within marriage … the marriage of one man to one woman (see Mathew 19: 1-4).
As in everything, the ways of God are always best for us … and are designed by the God who loves us.
Abigail (“Abbey”) at this writing is age 12. In anticipation of her special weekend with Mom, she asked her parents if she might have her “special time” a bit early, since she was 12 … like … soon! As of now the plan is to wait for that 13th birthday, as did her siblings.
Enjoy Lori and Stephen Hendrick telling of these special “Purity” weekends with their children … in their own words.