I remember that during EVANGELIST BILLY GRAHAM’S Crusade ministry he searched for means of sustaining and developing means of helping those who responded to his preaching.
He chose the ministry of DAWSON TROTMAN and the NAVIGATORS. Beginning in my high school days, I went through the Navigator Topical Memory System. Those Scriptures from the Word of God provide help and support to me through today.
In this modern day, God – called Evangelist ROB WELSH (www.forhisglorymin.org) from the St. Louis area sought the same kind of answers for the evangelistic “Festivals” he led throughout Africa. “How can a gospel preaching “Festival” – preaching to thousands – become a “movement,” impacting a whole country?”
Then he discovered “T4T” … “Training for Trainers!” (See www.t4tonline.org) And his team applied it to the “For His Glory” Festivals. Simply stated, the first group of trainers who are trained to disciple others, Rob Welsh defines as a “generation.” So (1) “trainers training trainers” would be the first generation; (2) those trained in the first generation training others would be the second generation; (3) those trained in the second generation would train the third “generation!” On and on! In a city recently hosting a “For His Glory” Festival in now into their 11th generation!
“The ‘T4T method of discipleship is what we have been looking for! This is now a movement. After the third or forth generation the T4T New Testament principle takes a “life of its own.”
A message from Dr. David Claybrook, formerly with ‘For His Glory Ministries’…
introducing “T4T … training for trainers.’
Dear Pastor,
Are you concerned about the number of people in your congregation who regularly share their faith with those who need Christ? Nationwide only 5% of all church members will ever lead someone to Christ.
Whose responsibility is it to equip your people to evangelize? The first answer that may come to your mind is me, the pastor. But that is only partially true. Whereas you are responsible to see that it is done, the more accurate answer is found in the way the question was worded. It is actually the role of the evangelist to equip the saints for evangelism. Recall Paul’s description of the roles of the church leadership.
“And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4: 11-12 NASB)
Evangelists! When we think of evangelists, we often see them preaching the Gospel to large crowds or maybe sharing their faith with individuals they encounter. Both of these are valid roles, but the primary role is to train Christians to evangelize. Some may need to be taught to preach, but all need to be trained to share their faith.
For His Glory Ministries takes this mandate very seriously. Their missions overseas have two major components:
- Large Evangelism Festivals: We hold five-day festivals where Evangelist Rob Welch proclaims the Gospel to hundreds of thousands. We always see tens of thousands respond to the Gospel in these settings.
- T4T Workshops: We equip pastors/leaders in the evangelism/disciple-making strategy developed in China known as Training for Trainers (T4T.)
These are very complimentary strategies, but if pressed to choose one of the two for long term, growth of the Kingdom of God in any area, our entire staff would choose T4T. The reason for this is that through this strategy, every willing Christian can not only be trained to share their faith effectively, but they can also be equipped to train others. This creates a multiplication process that was the reason for the amazing spread of the Gospel throughout the entire Roman Empire during the first two centuries after Christ. In China, in less than ten years, 158,000 churches (in homes) were established and over 1.7 million new believers were added to the Lamb’s Book of Life.
More and more in America are learning about T4T and are adapting it for use in their churches. The values for the church include: 1. Increase in spiritual maturity of believers, 2. More Christians sharing their faith with the lost, 3. Greater joy in the congregation, 4. Increased giving, and 5. Church growth.
For His Glory Ministries can work with you to develop a T4T strategy for your church.
T4T Strategy will include:
- A challenge to all in your congregation to be disciples of Jesus who are equipped to:
- Witness to the lost in their spheres of influence and,
- To become disciple-makers who can teach others what they have learned.
(We will work with you to consider the ways and means to put forth this challenge. These may include sermons from the pulpit, announcements in the bulletin or from the pulpit, special called meetings to communicate more fully to those interested, etc.)
- A T4T Training Workshop which would include:
- The History of T4T
- The Biblical basis of T4T
- A basic personal soul winning strategy
- The ongoing training strategy
- A call for commitment from the attendees
- Ongoing monitoring and consulting
For His Glory Ministries will joyfully serve you and your congregation to see the Kingdom of God expand.
For information please contact
Dr. C. David Claybrook
314-497-3642 (M)
Links to related radio interviews …
Larry Collett, retired successful banker and Christian leader, Chairman of the Board of “For His Glory”
Mark Levesque (“le vec”), a training leader, “For His Glory” Festivals, mostly in Africa …
To hear … “EVANGELIST ROB WELCH PROCLAIMS JESUS TO TEN IN STL JAIL; 100,000 IN RWANDA … ALL WITHIN A MONTH!”… click on … Evangelist Rob Welch proclaims Jesus to ten in STL jail; 100,000 in Rwanda … all within a month! – Harold Hendrick
To hear … “EVANGELIST ROB WELCH TO PROCLAIM CHRIST TO THOUSANDS IN TANZANIA, AFRICA; SEE WWW.FORHISGLORYMIN.ORG “ … click on … Evangelist Rob Welch to proclaim Christ to thousands in Tanzania, Africa; See www.forhisglorymin.org – Harold Hendrick
To hear … “MARK LEVESQUE (‘le vec”) (WWW.FORHISGLORYMIN.ORG) EXPLAINS THE MINISTRY IMPACT OF ‘T4T’ (WWW.T4TONLINE.ORG)” … click on … Mark Levesque (www.forhisglorymin.org) explains the ministry impact of “T4T” (www.t4tonline.org) – Harold Hendrick
To hear … “BANK CEO (RTD) LARRY COLLETT REFLECTS ON HIS CHAIRMANSHIP OF ST. LOUIS BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE OF 1999” … click on … Bank CEO (retired) Larry Collett reflects on his chairmanship of St. Louis Billy Graham Crusade of 1999 – Harold Hendrick
To hear … “CEO/BUSINESSMAN/BANKER/AUTHOR LARRY COLLETT: COMMUNITY & SPIRITUAL LEADER — A LIFE HONORING GOD!” … click on … CEO/businessman/banker/author Larry Collett: community & spiritual leader – a life honoring God! – Harold Hendrick
To hear … “BANKING CEO LARRY COLLETT RE MARKETPLACE MINISTRY BEYOND RACIAL LINES; SUPPORTS “EXPERIENCING GOD”… click on … www.haroldhendrick.com/2012/10/10/banking-ceo-larry-collett-re-marketplace-ministry-beyond-racial-lines-supports-experiencing-god