Recorded with HHH several years ago … and still powerfully and warmly impacting! Hear bi-vocational Pastor Todd Burpo of Imperial, NE, author of Heaven is for Real. Todd shares some of the amazing heart stories his (at the time) 46-month-old son Colton Burpo, brought back (during his life-threatening surgery) from having visited Heaven! Colton provided details from his heavenly visit he could not have otherwise known!
I was moved by the story … all over again … as Joan and I saw the movie on UPTVHD television the Easter weekend of 2020.
To see a preview of the movie “Heaven is for Real,” Click Here
And to read a few powerful short stories of little Colton’s visit to Heaven, click on ….
And to see a “Heaven is for Real” Interview with Todd and Colton Burpo” …
click on …