The story of James Robison is an absolutely powerful one, once again revealing remarkable works and power of God in his life. James was conceived by the rape of his single divorced mother. She went to a doctor in Houston, Texas to have James aborted, but this doctor refused. In his book, Living Amazed, James reports that “ … I was born in the charity ward of the hospital, and my mother immediately placed an ad in the newspaper seeking foster care for me …” A fine retired pastor and his wife took him in … and cared for him in his early years. His mother later returned to take him, and he went … “kicking and screaming.” They moved to Austin where he lived in poverty all of his growing up and teen years, moving many times.
When James was a teenager, his alcoholic father returned to their house … drunk. He chocked James’ mother into unconsciousness, but she survived.
Living Amazed is indeed a powerful and gripping new book written by James Robison, telling his story.
A researcher reported that James Robison had preached the gospel to more people by the age of 30 than any other man at that age. (Most of the main part of the evangelistic ministry of Billy Graham occurred after he was 30.)
His book explains how he became an in demand, anointed evangelist, preaching … with wonderful responses … for years. In the citywide preaching event in Tyler, Texas’ Rose Stadium (of Tyler Junior College) – in which I was a part – he was age, I think, 23!
James’ primary public ministry is now featured on television … “Life Today” (….is aired nationwide … and is also powerfully effective. The ministry he leads includes a great focus on feeding millions of starving people in locations around the world, the digging large numbers of fresh water wells, and addressing those trapped in sexual slavery. For example, Life Today sponsors the largest “safe house” for girls delivered out of sexual slavery in Thailand.
Current Aspects of “Life Today” Ministries (
(reported a few years ago)
- 400 fresh water wells drilled in one year in needy areas around the world;
- 5,000 drilled totally;
- Feeding 400,000 children in poor areas of he world in a week;
- Extensive anti-sex trafficking ministry in many parts of the world, such as the “Destiny House,” largest safe house for sexually exploited children in Thailand;
I was a young pastor and a recent graduate of Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas — shortly after Joan Thomas Hendrick and I married, serving as pastor of my first church, Pine Springs Baptist in Tyler, Texas During that time we learned that young evangelist James Robison, mightily used of God, was to come to Tyler and preach a “crusade” in Rose Football Stadium.
I had a heart for utilizing the media for ministry even in those early days. With my contacts with the local television station … the only TV station there at the time … I ask how much they would charge to televise one of the Crusade services live where James was preaching. $500! As best I can remember, I found a donor who gave the necessary $500. So, at the ripe old age of about 23, James preached the gospel to additional thousands on television in Tyler, TX, which is widely known as “… the Rose Capitol of the World!”
To hear another radio segment radio segment with James, titled … “JAMES ROBISON FEATURED NY YANKEES BASEBALL PITCHING ‘ACE’ ANDY PETTIT ON ‘LIFE TODAY’ TV; 700 DRAWN TO FAITH IN CHRIST” … click on …