Terri Stipanovich is from a famed athletic family. Her 7-foot-tall husband, Steve Stipanovich, was a high school basketball star in St. Louis, an All-American at the University of Missouri, and was the second player selected in the National Basketball Association (NBA) “draft” that year behind Ralph Samson.
Steve became a major player for the Indianapolis (Indiana) Pacers of the NBA … and played with them for several years.
But with all that acclaim and public attention, he reported being “empty” and “depressed.” During that time as a University of Missouri student, he came across a “street” preacher sharing the Good News of Jesus near the campus library. He listened. While some other students made fun, Steve, in his heart, said: “That is what I need!” He received Christ into his life on the spot!
Along the way he and Terri were married, and, through the years became parents of six children.
In Terri’s spiritual growth as a Jesus-follower, she became especially impacted by the reality that saving faith is to be displayed by good works. This theme from the Bible book of James gripped her.
She developed and leads a ministry that is active to this day, named “Faith that Works!” (See www.faith-that-works.org. )
And that desire to please God and honor Him, even sacrificially, became a passion. It was part of the motive for the title of this story.
Stress in the Family … Her father “stole” a large amount of money
One can imagine the family “rift” and “stress” because of her father stealing $150,000 from her and Steve.
Terri’s Faith that Worked!
One day Terri loaded up her six children, nervously went to her father’s house, asked to be let in, and told her father that she forgave him!
This restored relationship provided the “climate” wherein Terri had the joy of pointing her father to Jesus before he died, a few months later.
Lovely ladies garments available …
The purchase of them helps destitute women …
A display of lovely, colorful garments for women – my wife Joan Hendrick has purchased five of them – that help women who have become Jesus Followers, have in some cases been displaced from their homes and had their children taken away from them. Want to help … and obtain beautiful garments at the same time?
To see many of those beautiful garments, visit http://shopnala.com/nala-shop/.
From www.faith-that-works.org :
“Nala was created as an answer to a very real struggle our founder, Terri Stipanovich, saw in East Africa: the oppression of women and girls. Gender inequality still exists in communities around the globe in the form of atrocities like female genital mutilation, religious oppression, child marriage and forced labor. We seek to solve these issues through helping women engage in sustainable business and dignified employment. Through enterprise and creative work, the women in Nala develop skills and earn livable wages that help them obtain needed health care, food, housing, and education for their children. Their work raises their status and gives them an equal voice to stop atrocities against women in their communities. They strengthen their entire community, ushering in good for all.”
Related radio “links” from the past …
To hear … “Terri Stipanovich of famed family, visits Africa; sees Muslims coming to Jesus, having dreams of Him” … click on …
to hear … “Basketball great Steve Stipanovich tells his surprising story at the Congressional Prayer Breakfast” … click on …
To hear … “In Africa Terri Stipanovich hears many Muslims report having Dreams and Visions of ‘Isa’ (Jesus)” … click on … http://haroldhendrick.com/2014/08/08/in-africa-terri-stipanovich-hears-many-muslims-report-having-dreams-and-visions-of-isa-jesus/.