“Senior” Janet Christian of St. Louis might be in a “rocking chair” in her retirement. But not so! Janet, in her senior years, is an active and creative witness, pleasing to the Lord. Life has not been easy – for instance, she has lost two husbands in death – but in her sacrifice and service, life is very meaningful and joyful! (John 15:11)
At her “tender years,” she of late went with a short-term mission team to South Africa to minister to career missionaries there, giving them a “break” It was a “breather” from their living their lives in another culture, with local lifestyles that are different, speaking some other language than their own.
While there, she met Wycliffe Bible Translators Serge & Olivia Razafinjatoniary, natives of Madagascar, living in South Africa in conducting their intense ministry of translating the Bible into 40 languages of southern Africa.
A wonderful and heartwarming article about Serge and Olivia with several terrific pictures can be accessed by clicking on https://www.wycliffe.net/articles?id=6127. And our understanding is that they cannot return to their great work until they have raised their financial support. Joan and I intend to get into the joy of helping. Will you join us?
Janet Christian is a wonderful role model for seniors. She reminds us that older believers can be vital and productive in doing good things. Janet has lived as many years as Simeon and Anna (found in Luke 2:21 – 38). But these wonderful older people were chosen of God to greet baby Jesus in the Jerusalem temple when brought there by Mary and Joseph.
So Simeon, Anna, Janet, myself, and so many others have and had a meaningful role in praising God and honoring Jesus, the Son of God, in older years!
About Simeon in the New Testament: “…the Holy Spirit was upon him… It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord Christ. …” ( Luke 2:25, 26)
About Anna in the New Testament: a “prophetess” who was “…very old… She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to [Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus] she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all ...” (Luke 2:36 – 38).
To donate to Serge and Olivia:
- Visit wycliffe.org ;
- Go to “Donations” (drop down to Missionaries & click;
- Go to “Search for Unlisted Missionaries” to the right of page;
- Write in their name in the box: “Serge & Olivia Razafinjatoniary Account #214895”;
- Select the amount and the way you want to donate.
Or by “Snail mail”: (checks)
Wycliffe Bible Translators
PO Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862
On Memo line: towards the support of Serge & Olivia Razafinjatoniary, #214895
Any questions call the Wycliffe office at 407-852-3601
So … to seniors … “Go … until you cannot!”
A related and important link to this theme …
To hear … “Wycliffe Bible translators from Madagascar visit St. Louis, open to speak at your church or group (636-544-6423)” … click on … www.haroldhendrick.com/2018/06/05/wycliffe-bible-translators-from-madagascar-visit-st-louis-open-to-speak-at-your-church-or-group-636-544-6423/. Janet Christian will continue to be a good contact for Serge and Olivia… even after their visit to St. Louis. She can be reached at 636 544-6423.