Lynne Jackson reminds me of Jesus! She could be a hostile fighter, bitter, ever fueling hostility, especially racial hostility.
The great-great granddaughter of American history Dred and Harriot Scott, Lynne is just the opposite! She is Christ-like, gracious, and ever wanting to make things better.
Lynne role models efforts of reconciliation between the races, bringing together for that purpose the descendants of slaves and the descendants of slave-owners.
We discuss an invitation to the Missouri Museum of History (on Delmar on the north edge of Forest Park in St. Louis) and its multifaceted focus on Dred and Harriet Scott. As I write, it is right on us … on August 12, 2017, from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. It is Free!! Did I say “Free!?” This quality event – featuring The St. Louis Sympathy, drama, exhibits, and commentary from Lynne Jackson, and descendants of famous slave owners of history … all free!
Reading this after the event? Visiting and will provide other quality information about the invitation … and related events in the future.
Doing a search on for the name “Lynne Jackson” – founder and President of “The Dred Scott Heritage Foundation — will reveal additional radio conversations with Lynne of the recent past. .