Jay Seegert, a university graduate in physics and engineering, was challenged there for his faith and belief in the Bible. It led to good things. Jay has now become skilled, effective, and convincing defender of biblical faith in his public appearances which happened 190 times just last year.
In serving God in this manner, Jay is in the flow of Scripture.
About the martyr Stephen: “Opposition arose … These men began to argue with Stephen, but they could not stand up against his wisdom, or the Spirit by whom he spoke.” (Acts 6:8-10)
“… [Apollos] was a great help to those who by grace had believed. For he vigorously refuted the Jews in public debate, proving from Scripture that Jesus was the Christ.” (Acts 18: 27, 28)
“I … urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.” (Jude 3)
“But in your hearts, set aside Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect …” (I Peter 3:15)
This is what Jay Seegert is all about!
At his website … www.TheStartingPointProject.com ” … we read:
“Everything is built on our starting point… that God exists, and the Bible is His inspired Word”
An example of one of his quality writings is “Creation & Evolution: Compatible or In Conflict?,
Jay Seegert ongoing speaking agenda around the country is available by clicking on www.thestartingpointproject.com/calendar.html .
Questions Jay Seegert is frequently asked … to which he provides answers…
“1. What is your goal as you speak to Christians?
- When you speak with unbelievers, what message do you most want to leave with them?
- How can a Christian have confidence the Bible truly is from God?
- Is it reasonable for a Christian to be confident of a young earth interpretation of the Bible’s creation account?
Jay’s speaking engagements in St Louis, February 24-27th, 2017 is seen below:
2/24 7-8PM Hope Church 4200 Brown Rd Berkeley MO 63134: Scientific Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible
2/25 7-8PM Larimore House Chapel 11475 Lilac Ave St. Louis, MO 63138: Bring Your Toughest Questions
2/26 10-11:15AM Heritage Bible Church 11475 Lilac Ave St. Louis, MO 63138: How Do We Know the Bible is the Inspired Word of God?
2/26 6:30-7:30PM South County Bible Church 4111 Von Talge Rd St Louis, MO 63128: Scientific Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible
2/27 9-11:30AM IFCA Regional Gathering Heritage Bible Church 11475 Lilac Ave St. Louis, MO 63138: 1: Faith is NOT a Four Letter Word 2: Intelligent Design: What’s it all about?
We are all invited … immediately or in the future.