John Dugo retired for the 3M Company more than 20 years ago. Yet he and wife Jan in their very significant ministry — mostly “one to one” – with International Students, Inc ( now travel all over the USA at the invitation of these students. They’re continuing to build relationships into friendships with those students that they met in the St. Louis area, now scattered all over the USA.
The ministry has a number of motivations, one being the fact that most foreign students that come to the United States are never in an American home…even once!
Working with internationals is their joy. Yet for these students who come to St. Louis from around the world, they have found … and practice … sustained relationships with the students. A long way from home, with infrequent return trips to their homeland, most of them are very open to warm and sincere hospitality and invitations to Americans genuinely interested in them.
In this radio conversation, Jan reports that they have personal relationships with past and present students from more than 40 countries.
With most internationals or otherwise, it is rare that one can begin a friendship and in just a few minutes, move right into a discussion of Jesus, how to be right with God, experience inner peace and forgiveness from God, in one conversation!
But, with John and Jan after a time of friendship, so frequently the students ask them, “Why are you so happy?” The “door is then open” for the Dugo’s to respond, explaining from the Bible the real source of forgiveness, inner peace, joy and forgiveness — and how Jesus Christ has brought them happiness and — if the students’ interest continues — share with them that the same joy and forgiveness is available to anyone, including the students.
Also in this radio discussion, you will hear how that John and Jan, at the invitation of the students who have moved on to other locations in the USA – the Dugos travel to New England, to the Pacific northwest, to continue those friendships with the desire to point them to saving faith in Jesus.
They work very closely with Solomon and Ruby Kendagor, based in the St. Louis, Mo region. See
If you have questions, John Dugo welcomes your call to him at (314) 952-6975 . Friends support their ministry to international students by sending tax deductible gifts to …
ISI International Students Inc.
Attention : John & Jan Dugo Account # 5147
PO Box C
Colorado Springs Co. 80901-3000