For 12 years Todd Akin was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives and for 12 years he was elected to the Congress of the United States of America.
Counting both primaries and general elections, Todd won more than 20 elections … and lost only one!
During this brief time of radio, I said to former Congressman Todd Akin: “Doing what is right – that is who you are!” … and it is true.
Longtime friend Todd, as a man of God, expresses concern about today’s church:
· Generally “we are afraid to do anything controversial.”
· Many will not put out voters’ guides that express the positions of the candidates that are important to followers of Jesus Christ;
· I note with Todd that he was politically “crucified” for saying a paragraph of words that has been proven true by medical science – repeatedly negatively for weeks by the secular news media. While his opponent Senator Clair McKaskel was heard to say on nationwide “Meet the Press” – twice – that she stood for “partial birth abortion,” a procedure where legal, allows the doctor to kill a perfectly healthy newborn … as long as any part of the baby is not yet separated from the mother!! Horrible!!!
Pastor Peter Muhlenberg preached to his congregation, from Ecclesiastes, that there is “a time to fight.” Then he dramatically took off his clerical robe to reveal that, underneath, he had on the uniform of a Revolutionary War officer … and led scores of his men out to fight for the independence of our country.
Pastor Jonas Clark taught his congregation, involved in the first battle of the War of Independence at Concord, why they must fight for their country.
Todd asked groups of activist young people: “How many of you have ever heard a sermon on education? Freedom? Creation and evolution … to receive mostly blank stares.
Again … “We are afraid to deal with anything that might be controversial”
John the Baptist took a stand on a moral issue, risking his life by saying to King Herod: “It is not right for you to have your brother’s wife!” John was beheaded because of it. Jesus said that “I tell you the truth among those born of women, there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist …“ (Matthew 11:11)
More brief anytime radio is available below …
To hear … “Past Congressman Todd Akin: ‘One of the finest men I know!’ Honorable, righteous, decent, moral” … click on … … And
To hear … “Congressman Todd Akin reveals the role of Jesus-followers in shaping our US Government: evidenced in the “Mayflower Compact” … click on …