Researcher Dr. David Garrison has made an amazing discovery. He writes about those discoveries in his book, A Wind in the House of Islam. About his book he says: “There are nine rooms in the House of Islam – A wind is blowing through every one of them.” See .
The results of his research are real; “Garrison discovered that we are in the middle of the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history.”
Dr. Garrison is coming (or came, based on when you are reading this) to speak during the “Great Commission Conference” February 23 – 25, 2017, in Springfield, Mo. We are invited. For Conference info, visit .
Retiring after 31 years with the International Mission Board, Dr. Garrison is now Executive Director of “Global Gates.” See .
“David Garrison traveled a quarter-million miles into every corner of the Muslim world collecting interviews from more than a thousand former Muslims who have given their lives to Jesus Christ. These Muslim-background believers were interviewed because they were part of larger movements of Muslims to Christ in their communities. He asked them, “What is your story? What did God use to bring you to faith in Jesus Christ?” Along the way, Garrison discovered that we are in the middle of the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history. These historic movements are taking place all across the Muslim world, from West Africa to Indonesia.
“For nearly 30 years Dr. David Garrison has been a missionary pioneer with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board. Garrison’s faith journey has led him to study a dozen languages and travel through 100 countries.
“Garrison has a PhD from the University of Chicago and a Masters degree from Golden Gate Seminary, with undergraduate study at Ouachita Baptist University and Seinan Gakuin University in Japan. He has lectured widely including such schools as Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, Trinity Evangelical Seminary, and Columbia Biblical Seminary. He is the author of The Nonresidential Missionary (MARC, 1990), Something New Under the Sun (IMB, 1998), and Church Planting Movements (WIGTake, 2004), which has been translated into more than a twenty languages.
“More recently, Dr. Garrison has edited internationally acclaimed resources that have been translated into multiple languages, including Kevin Greeson’s The Camel, How Muslims Are Coming to Faith in Christ! (WIGTake, 2007), Steve Smith’s T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution (WIGTake, 2011), and Mike Shipman’s Any-3: Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime (WIGTake, 2012). Dr. Garrison currently lives in Colorado with his wife of 35 years, Sonia, and two of their four children, where he serves as the Southern Baptist International Mission Board’s Global Strategist for Evangelical Advance.”
We discuss with Dr. Garrison the reports of Muslims having dreams and visions of Jesus. A great resource of such is available. Wonderful reenactments of five such are found at the “More Than Dreams” website …
Another impacting guest speaker at the “Great Commission Conference” February 23 – 25, in Springfield, Mo is national youth leader, Greg Stier. To read about and hear Greg, titled … “From dysfunctional family, never met his father, Greg Stier impacts 1,000,000 teens with good news” … click on